Fivetran Partnership!

We’ve become Fivetran partners! Effective 1st June 2022 Fivetran Inc and Meta Consulting Ltd. signed a partnership agreement. Fivetran automated data integration services extend our offerings (through our partnership with …

Budapest Data Forum 2021

The Budapest Data Forum is a premier data conference organized in Hungary, now in its 13th year. Offering two days of talks and discussions about how organizations manage and use …

WWDVC 2021 conference

World Wide Data Vault Consortium 2021 The world’s greatest Data Vault conference will be on-line this year.The World Wide Data Vault Consortia 2021 conference will be a week-long event starting …

IIR Business Intelligence Conference – 2020

Meta Consulting and IIR invite you to the IIR Business Intelligence Conference 2020. At this year’s conference representatives of Fundamenta, OTP, Waberer’s, Opten, Bisnode, General Electricwill bring you presentations & …

Budapest Data Forum 2019

This year’s Budapest Data Forum will take place between 21 and 23 May. As usual, the lineup and the programs looks very promising. Two of our international partners (Snowflake & …